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  • To enable the world to have a full understanding traditional Chinese medicine and its importance through a credible international academic institution and an examination administered by such

  • To foster the study of traditional Chinese medicine and the administration with the vision that traditional Chinese medicine practitioners be recognized as being true professionals and part of the health care system

  • To contribute to the promotion of traditional Chinese medicine in North America by offering comprehensive and affordable programs

We aim to develop World Chinese Medicine And Acupuncture College, for both as an excellent provider of Traditional Chinese medicine training, and as a quality Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture provider.

Wilson Yu, PhD, R.TCMP, college president and Hughes Eng, O.Ont, chairman of the board

© 2011–2022 World Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture College. 

5183 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto, Ontario  M1B 5Z5

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